Check out Pinterest for writing tips, character development, scene-mapping, and so much more

I know, if you’ve avoided it this long it’s probably because you think it’s only for wannabe crafters or gourmet chefs.  But if you are a writer who is not utilizing Pinterest, you’re really missing out. For me, Pinterest is a life-saving writing tool right up there with Spell Check and Grammarly.

I use Pinterest to organize writing tips, gather inspirational images, and even find advice on how to get published.

How to use Pinterest for writing- Wondering how to use Pinterest for writing? Pinterest is an excellent resource for writers and bloggers at every level!You can use Pinterest for writing tips about absolutely everything:

Story ideas

Pinterest is a great place to find all kinds of writing prompts. Not only can you collect a stash of ideas to spark your imagination whenever you need it you can also find lists that feature story prompts for every day, month, and holiday. 

How to Brainstorm and plan the perfect novel

12 days of writing prompts

Character Development and Worldbuilding

You can find absolutely everything on Pinterest, which makes it the perfect resource for a writer. Creating Characters? Pinterest has thousands of baby name (character name) ideas, questionnaires, and images for you to peruse for inspiration. Worldbuilding? Find info on everything you need to create the perfect setting or world.

You can even find tips on landing an agent or getting published

Already at the querying stage? Pinterest has tons of tips on how to write the perfect query letter, keep track of submissions, and step-by-step advice on every part of the publishing process.

Set Up Your Account

If you’re new to pinning, first you must set up an account. Enter your e-mail, age, and answer a couple of questions they offer to personalize your account.

Use Pinterest to become a better writer! Pinterest is a wealth of resources for writers, bloggers, and poets!

Next, choose some categories to get started. This part’s pretty limited for writers besides the category “Books” but don’t worry, you’ll find plenty more once you’re inside.

I chose books, art, music, and quotes to get a nice collection of inspirational material.

How I Write 100,000 words A Month

Now, the fun part. Type in “writing” (or whatever) into the search bar and start saving ideas!

The most effective way to use Pinterest is to create individual boards for different topics. This will make it easier to find specific things you’re looking for later. Try searching for topics such as:

I’d recommend creating a separate board for each of these themes, or you can organize them into “Sections” within a general board such as “Writing” or “Editing”.

Have fun digging through thousands of (Free!) ideas, and don’t forget to follow me on Pinterest and subscribe to my newsletter for more great tips!

Where do you go to get ideas?

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