My books may contain the following, which might be upsetting for some readers. I do my best to handle these subjects in a meaningful and sensitive manner, and in no way intend to stereotype or distort the image of any living person or group. If you feel I have not handled a subject appropriately, please contact me at with your concerns. Thank you.
*I would give my books a TV rating of 14+, but I believe each individual and family are unique* Some subjects that may be covered include:
Violence/Graphic violence
Very brief and vague suggestions of sexual assault
Mild language
“Fade-to-black” romance
Mention or suggestion of drug use
Descriptions of blood/mild gore
Gun use
Actions that could be considered or perceived as suicidal. (In this case a character considers themselves self-sacrificing and this content is not intended to be suicidal ideation in any way whatsoever.)