10 Quiet-Time Activities For Kids

This post was inspired by someone, like me, who had trouble getting much work done with her small children at home.

I’ve come up with a list of 10 Quiet-Time Activites For Kids to help keep the little ones busy with their own projects so that you can meet your deadlines.

First, some tips to get the most out of your writing time:

~ Make a Writing Time routine. Try to work around the same time every day. It’s best to let the little one do something active first, then get them a snack, drink, and trip to the bathroom before setting them up with their activity. Remind them that Writing Time is important, and they’ll be the center of your universe again soon.

~ After the kids go to bed at night, make your writing to-do list for the next day. All you need to do is outline one scene.

~ Take a week “vacation” to write. For one week, don’t worry about any chores or errands that are not essential to keeping your family alive. You are a writer this week if this week only. Bonus: ask your partner or family member or even get a babysitter for a few hours one day.

~ Set realistic goals. No, you won’t write a novel in a day. You can, however, write a scene a day. All you need is thirty minutes. Even if it’s a scene at a time, you will finish this book. Unless…

~ Quit making excuses. If you want to write, do it. Even if you think It’s awful. The more you do it, the better you’ll be.

10 Quiet Time Activities For Kids

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10 Writing Time Activities for kids

1. Let them write their own book

Get them their own notebook and appropriate writing utensils, and let them create along with you! It’s never too early to start writing!

Check out this cute book full of awesome writing prompts for kids!

2. Make them beta-readers

Find a comfy spot nearby, and a big ‘ol pile of books. Preferably new (to them) books. That’s just another excuse to visit the Library more often!

Pete the Cat Box Set

3. Quiet-Time Fort & Show

Lay down some soft blankets, pillows, and stuffed animals. Add a few board books and some manipulative toys such as legos, blocks, or wooden puzzles. Put on YouTube (My kids like aquariums, baby animal compilations, and other babies) or a cartoon, turned way down.

My kids love this cute cover from Amazon– Just slip your pillows in and you have a comfy reading cot!

4. Screen Time

Realize the only way they may leave you alone is to sacrifice your tablet or cell phone (child-locked) for a half hour.

5. Give them “new” toys

Fun things to play with they usually don’t: Tupperware, old purses, hats or shoes; cupcake liners, cookie cutters. Let them make a mess for thirty minutes.

6. Box Fort

Get a cardboard box big enough for them to sit in and a handful of crayons.

7. Set up a “workspace” next to yours

Give them their own desk or work area close by, complete with toy computer, Leap Frog Reader, unused keyboard, or notebooks. Tell them they need to do a good job and work quietly for a while like you.

8. Busy Bags

Make up a batch of Busy Bags

9. Sticker- Fun

Go to the dollar store and stock up on coloring books, notebooks, and sheets of stickers. Let the kiddos decorate to their heart’s content.

10. Writing Time Tote

Buy some toys, card games, and activity sets from the dollar store. Put them in a box that only comes out during Writing Time. Or, buy a pre-made Busy Box. Put everything away when Writing Time is over. Only let them play with these toys while you work and they will think it is their special time too.

Oh, yeah, and don’t forget your noise-canceling headphones.

How do you write when your kids are home?

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